A non-invasive test that you can do from home. The SIBO test is a breath test that uses a substrate of either lactulose or glucose. The bacteria ferment the lactulose and glucose producing methane and hydrogen gases. Lactulose is the preferred substrate we use as it has a higher level of accuracy than glucose. It’s important to test for SIBO to establish what type you have as this will direct your treatment.
A Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis or Complete Micribome Map can be useful in Identifying the causes of gut issues. They identify the following:
- Beneficial bacteria
- Pathogenic bacteria
- Yeast and fungus
- Parasites
Elastase – an enzyme that assists in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Decreased levels of elastase can indicate reduced hydrochloric acid output in the stomach and / or pancreatic enzyme insufficiency.
Steatocrit – a marker of fat in faeces. High levels can indicate fat malabsorption due to a deficiency in pancreatic lipase or bile acids. This can be an indicator of SIBO, as the bacteria in SIBO degonjugate bile acids causing them to be ineffective in binding fats.
Secretory IgA – the main antibody is the mucus secretions of the gastrointestinal tract. Its role is to remove unwanted pathogens from the gut.
Short chain fatty acids – SCFA are the end product of bacterial fermentation of dietary fibre (FODMAPs and resistant starch in particular). SCFA provide many benefits to the overall health of the gastrointestinal tract so having adequate amounts is very important, which is why adhering to a low FODMAP and low resistant starch diet should only be used as a temporary measure while treating the dysbiotic bacteria with herbs or antibiotics.
Beta-glucuronidase enzyme – in the liver, oestrogen is bound to glucuronic acid as part of the phase 2 liver detoxification process. The beta-glucuronidase enzyme is produced by intestinal cells and certain gut bacteria. The enzyme breaks the bond between oestrogen and glucuronic acid rendering the oestrogen toxic where it will go back to the liver to be bound with glucuronic acid again. This causes a build up of toxic oestrogens.
The Organic Acids Test (OATs) offers a comprehensive metabolic snapshot of a patient’s overall health with over 70 markers. It provides an accurate evaluation of intestinal yeast and bacteria. Abnormally high levels of these microorganisms can cause or worsen behavior disorders, hyperactivity, movement disorders, fatigue, and immune function. Many people with chronic illnesses and neurological disorders often excrete several abnormal organic acids in their urine.
- Oxalate
- Methylmalonic acid (tissue stores for Vitamin B12)
- Glutathione
- Methylation, toxic exposure
- Ammonia
- Mitochondrial markers (Krebs Cycle Metabolites)
- Neurotransmitter metabolites
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B5
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin C
- Coenzyme Q10
Vaginal infections, including bacterial vaginosis (BV), vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), and trichomoniasis (TV), are among the most common reasons for which women seek medical investigation.
Complex ecosystems of microbes reside in the female reproductive tract. The vagina consists of trillions of microorganisms — mostly bacteria, plus some fungi and viruses. A disruption in this ecosystem, usually a deficiency of Lactobacillus and overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria, may result in possible infection and unwanted symptoms.
An estimated 75% of women will have at least one episode of VVC, TV or BV in their lifetime and over 30% of women test positive for BV at any given time, with prevalence rates varying over different populations studied.
The vagina is home to a complex ecosystem of organisms that may include bacteria, viruses, parasites and yeasts. Some of these organisms are important in keeping us healthy as they act to discourage other potential pathogens from thriving. Disruptions in balance of any of these can lead to infections and/or uncomfortable symptoms. Every vaginal microbiome is different and factors such as age, hormonal disruptions and even antibiotic/probiotic use can contribute to changes
The HLA DR/DQ gene analyses two important genomic markers called HLA-DQB1 and HLA-DR that can reveal important information relating to autoimmune disorders as well as inflammatory disorders. It is said that approximately 25% of the world’s population has one of the 10 susceptible types of HLA DR/DQ genes.
The HLA DR/DQ gene test shows haplotypes (gene combinations) that show susceptibility to mould, Lyme, and conditions. The report contains a Rosetta Stone, developed by Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker which offers a summary of the various susceptible genetic types, with directions for interpretation.
MARCoNS (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci) is an antibiotic-resistant staph infection that resides deep in the nose. MARCoNS are very slow growing however, can have such an effect on one’s health leading to chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalances, and more. The MARCoNS test should be considered when mould is an issue and when low MSH results are present. For those that mould is the issue, the first step is living and working in a relatively mould-free place.
Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH) has multiple anti-inflammatory and neurohormonal regulatory functions, exerting regulatory control on peripheral cytokine release, along with both anterior and posterior pituitary function.
In mould illness, MSH is generally found to be low in over 95% of patients. This means increased susceptibility to mould illness, ongoing fatigue, pain, hormone abnormalities, mood swings, and much more. As MSH is a hormone, called a regulatory neuropeptide, and it controls many other hormones, inflammation pathways, and basic defences against invading microbes, a lack of MSH can lead to chronic sleep disorders with non-restful sleep development, and endorphin production is reduced, so chronic pain follows.
Hair metal and mineral analysis measure the nutrient and toxic metal content of hair. As the constituents of the hair are determined by the entry of substances from external sources and from substances that enter it from the bloodstream, hair makes an ideal medium for analysis.
Hair can contain minerals and metals and can accumulate over long periods of time. A wide range of metals and minerals can be measured in one sample to provide the status of cellular activity and nutrient metabolism. Every physiological function in the body is catalyzed by minerals.
Since the structure of hair remains unchanged, the minerals are fixed in the hair, and levels in hair do not significantly change once that portion of hair has grown. The analysis accurately provides concentrations of minerals that have accumulated in the hair tissue over the hair growth period, approximately one to three months.
Heavy metal toxicity can be caused by exposure to pollution, chemicals, and poisons. It is a growing threat to the population as metals deposit in body tissues leading to significant developmental and neurological damage. Heavy metal toxicities can also lead to numerous health conditions including those affecting the cardiovascular, endocrine, immune, muscle, skeletal, skin, and nervous systems.
- Chronic fatigue
- Chronic pain / fibromyalgia
- Chronic gut issues
- Chronic skin issues (rosacea, acne, eczema)
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Vertigo
- Chronic sinusitis & rhinitis
- Chronic vaginal thrush / bacterial vaginosis
- Chronic insomnia
- Hormonal imbalances (heavy periods, irregular periods, PMS, PMDD)
- Anxiety & depression